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Book Talks and Presentations

I love talking to groups about my writing process, my recently published books, or playwriting. I particularly enjoy weaving themes and processes from my debut fiction, That Summer She Found Her Voice, into my talks. Most presentations on publishing topics can be adapted for literary, academic, or business audiences. If your organization is looking for a speaker, I hope you will keep me in mind.


Presentations related to writing and publishing include: 

  • "Historical Research Strategies in Writing Fiction"
  • "You've Published, Now What? Creative and Practical Approaches to Direct Marketing"
  • "The Road to Traditional Fiction and Nonfiction Publishing: One Author's Journey"
  • "Turning Your Writing Into A Play: The Essentials You Need To Know"


To assist authors in their own journey no matter what point they may find themselves, I combine my theater and writing skills to present:

  • "Take Your Author Reading from Drab to Dynamic: Tips & Practices to Improve Your Presentation" - a workshop that balances content delivery with interactive exercises so that participants will be able to apply practices in real time
  • "Five Theatre Techniques That May Enhance Your Fiction Writing" - an interactive workshop where participants are asked to think like an actor, a production designer, and even a director.


Jean's presentation had something that is lost in a lot of presentations these days - FUN! As an author of two published books, Jean helped me hone in on some techniques to fight off the dreadful writer's block, as well as ways to develop and expand my characters and the worlds they inhabit. I highly recommend Jean to an organization looking to find new and innovative ways to grow their creativity!

C.L. Merklinger, Author



Jean's presentation, "Tips To Take Your Reading From Drab to Dynamic," covers great points. The two I took to heart are to print out what you plan on reading (so you are not reading the tiny print in your book) and to write out and memorize your intro. There are at least ten additional nuggets I came away with, too. Now I am eager to apply what I learned when my book comes out and will be the author at readings leaving the audience wanting more, and with fingers crossed, achieve great sales as a result. If you get a chance to sign up for this workshop, do it.  It will elevate your talks from drab to fab!"

Michelle Sholund, Maryland Writers' Association, Carroll County Chapter, President



"I found the workshop [Five Theatre Techniques That May Enhance Your Fiction Writing] fascinating and loved the improv game as it showed me how to generate plot line advances when I am stuck. I saw many of our chapter members talking to the speaker afterwards and they were all smiles. Several thanked me for finding such an interesting and informative presenter for the meeting."

Jim Brewster, Maryland Writers' Association Charles, County Chapter, Program Chair




"I recently attended a gathering of the Carroll Chapter of the Maryland Writers Association with Jean Burgess as speaker. She shared her experiences while publishing her non-fiction and fiction books and how best to apply the difference in the processes of writing and presenting to prospective editors and publishers, imparting many resources for newbie and experienced writers alike. Burgess was engaging, articulate, thought-provoking, and expressive. Her concise presentation helped me to understand the dedication and levels of application that go from writing the story to publishing the work."

C.L. Schuster


"When a writer feels that he or she has a story to tell, it inevitably feels like a mystery to get it published. The writer may have a fabulous story and a fabulous built- in audience, but how does he or she convince a publisher to accept and publish the finished manuscript? Author Jean Burgess takes the mystery out of publishing for beginners and veteran writers alike. She offers audience presentations which cover all of the nuts and bolts of transforming a manuscript into a printed work. If you attend one of Jean's presentations, you will be informed, inspired and will leave with newfound confidence about your book."

Sylvia Blair, owner, Blair Copywriting and Communications, LLC


Book Clubs

For book clubs, please note that "Topics for Discussion" are included in all versions of That Summer She Found Her Voice. As a bonus, book clubs interested in receiving a FREE digital Retro Book Club packet, including a Book Club Activities sheet as well as book-themed trivia, can email me at jean@jeanburgessauthor.com. (See Book Club tab for more details)


Writing Workshop Presenter

I present a range of writing workshops for teens and adults. My writing workshops focus on Character, Dialogue, and World Building as well as Playwriting.



Editing/Proofreading/Content Writing Services

In addition to writing my own works, I freelance as a copy editor and proofreader to other writers as well as business clients. I am also available to write content such as blog and newsletter articles as well as web landing pages.



"Jean is one of the most talented content writers and supremely skilled editors I've ever had the pleasure of working with! She is quick to offer her professional advice and is very thorough with her work. Her processes are simple and highly efficient. Whether she is writing or editing, you can expect no less than the absolute best from Jean!"

Ashlee McCarty, www.vibrantvaservices.com



For any of these services, feel free to contact me for additional information via the Contact page or at jean@jeanburgessauthor.com.