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 TV/Radio/Online Magazine/Press

  • WBAL Radio, Jayne Miller interview, 20 April 2024: Listen here (begin at 15:20-26:15)
  • WMAR TV interview, "Midday Maryland," 15 February 2024: Watch here
  • Author Interview. WE Magazine for Women, 11 July 2024: Read here
  • "Rising Star" VoyageBaltimore Magazine, 11 March 2024: Read here
  •  An Eye for Art. "Meet Westminster Author Jean Burgess" Baltimore Sun, 18 Aug 2024 www.baltimoresun.com
  • "Author crafts novel from life experiences." Beacon Journal (Baltimore), June 2024, p. 19, 21: Read here


  • Writing and Editing, Jennia D:Lima, 6 June 2024: Listen Here
  • Briggs on Books, Mike Briggs, 29 May 2024: Watch here (available until 2 July 2024)
  • Going North, Dominique Brightmon, 27 May 2024: Watch here
  • Fractured Not Broken, Coach Reggie Smith, 17 May 2024: Watch here


  • Books By My Friends, Joy E. Held, 30 May 2024: Read here
  • Books and Bevies with Kerry Fryar Freeman, 10 May 2024: Read here
  • Lisa Haselton's Book Reviews & Interviews, 9 April 2024: Read here
  • The Indy Author, 10 March 2024: Read here
  • AuthorsPublish Magazine, 27 July 2023, Issue 530: Read here
  • Elizabeth Holland, 14 December 2022: Read here
  • Fine Arts Association Spotlight: Jean Burgess, December 2021: Read here

Press Releases

  • The Frederick News Post, "Get your reading and writing on: September literary happenings," 2 September 2024: Read here
  • The Chestertown Spy, "Bookplate Author Jean Burgess' 'That Summer She Found Her Voice: A Retro Novel'," 18 August 2024: Read here
  • The News-Herald, "Author Jean Burgess returns home to discuss new novel...," 26 May 2024: Read here
  • "Maryland Author Jean Burgess' Debut Novel Now Available" Patch.com, 8 May 2024: Read here

Media Kit for Author Talks, Presentations & Publicity

Contact Info:

Jean Burgess

Email: jean@jeanburgessauthor.com

Website: https://www.jeanburgessauthor.com

Social Media:



Professional Organizations: Maryland Writers' Association; Eastern Shore Writers' Association, Authors Guild

Book Available at Bookshop.org, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online retail outlets


Book Description for That Summer She Found Her Voice: A Retro Novel

Genre: Historical Women's Fiction

BISAC Categories: Fiction Women FIC044000; Fiction/Performing Arts/Music FIC133030; Fiction/Historical/20thCentury/General FIC014080


Set against a backdrop of the 1970's music scene, That Summer She Found Her Voice: A Retro Novel tells the story of 23-year-old Margie Stevens as she pulls herself out of a spiraling, heartbreak-induced depression and begins a personal journey of discovery.


Clarifying her own views on emerging feminism, social injustice, and personal spirituality - all while touring across the country as a singer in King Vido's Swing Band - Margie encounters sexist and moral challenges that cause her to question her future path.


Will Margie find the clarity to break away from her parent's set of values and determine her own path?

Will she find the courage to conquer fears of intimidation from the band leader and others on the tour?

And finally, will she learn to speak up for herself and discover her authentic voice?


Presentation Topics:

  • The Inspiration, the Writing Process, and the Road to Indie Publishing
  • The Road to Traditional Fiction and Nonfiction Publishing: One Author's Journey
  • Historical Research Strategies in Writing Fiction
  • Baltimore Music Scene in the Late 1070s
  • The Search for Authentic Voice: 1970s and today

Additional Topics:

  • Performing on the Road: How personal experience translated into the book
  • Take Your Author Reading from Drab to Dynamic: Tips & Practices to Improve Your Presentation
  • Five Theatre Techniques That May Enhance Your Fiction Writing
  • Turning Your Writing Into A Play: The Esentials You Need to Know


Target Audiences:

  • Women or men who may be struggling to speak up for themselves and searching for their authentic voice.
  • Any reader, young or young-at-heart, who enjoys the imagery-filled nostalgia of stories set in the 1970s.
  • Readers who love a behind-the-scenes peek into the world of a performing band that tours across the United States. (Think Daisy Jones and the Six or the Tom Hank's film That Thing You Do.)
  • Book clubs searching for books that will stimulate group conversations about personal values, social injustice, and spiritual beliefs.(Note: This book contains "Topics for Discussion." As a bonus, book clubs interested in receiving a FREE digital packet of Book Club Activities as well as book-related trivia can email me at jean@jeanburgessauthor.com.)
  • Women who may have experienced sexual assault and understand suppressing the experience.


Trade Reviews & Advance Praise:

"...a memorable saga of self-discovery, social transformation, and career-changing paradigms..."

Jean Burgess creates a memorable saga of self-discovery, social transformation, and career-changing paradigms in That Summer She
Found Her Voice. These explore more than one girl's evolutionary process, but also the changes buffeting America.

– D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review

For full review, read here


"...a raw and unvarnished portrait of friendships, dreams, heartbreak, and growth..."

A raw and unvarnished portrait of friendships, dreams, heartbreak, and growth. A nostalgic dance through the 1970s Mid-Atlantic region that will bring back so many memories of forgotten places and hidden treasures!"

- Kate Danley, USA Today Bestselling Author, Maggie MacKay: Maggie Tracker Series


"...meticulous attention to historical detail captures the flavor of the 70s..."

Not all young women were bra-burning feminists in the 70s, including Margie, the protagonist of That Summer She Found Her Voice. Margie's passage from a naïve recent college graduate to a woman who lives her values poignantly reflects the path of so many young women who came of age in the wake of the Second Wave of feminism. While traveling cross-country as a vocalist in a swing band, Margie also takes an inward journey, leading her to a place where she no longer defines her self-worth by her relationship with a man—be it her father, her boyfriend, or her boss. Burgess's meticulous attention to historical detail captures the flavor of the 70s, enhancing her engaging plot and compassionate characterization in a way that sheds light on the trajectory of feminism's influence on American pop culture.

- Barbara Van Aken, Ph.D. Department of English, Case Western Reserve University


"...a well-written and engaging story..."

Being from a family of Maryland musicians, I found Jean Burgess' novel a well-written and engaging story of living with a band on the road. The protagonist is Margie, a young woman beginning her career as a musician and thrilled at the opportunity of playing with a traveling band. Her experiences and the characters she meets ring true.

- Eileen Haavik McIntire, author of the 90s Club Cozy Mysteries


"...a passionate first-person account..."

That Summer She Found Her Voice is the story of a young woman, Margie, who finds her way out of a depression caused by a failed romantic relationship by touring the US as a singer with King Vido's Swing Band in the late 1970s. Burgess has curated a passionate first-person account of self-discovery. As an experienced theatrical director and playwright, she knows how to create sympathetic characters and compelling plots, using her considerable talent and craftsmanship to tell this story.

- Ira Domser, Professor Emeritus Dramatic Arts, McDaniel College


Author Bio (short):

Jean Burgess is an author, editor, playwright, and former theatre educator. She writes both nonfiction and fiction, enjoys presenting writing workshops and presentations, and volunteers as a facilitator with a local Teen Writing Club. Jean holds a Masters in Theatre from Northwestern University and Ph.D. in Educational Theatre from New York University.


Author Bio (long):

For over 40 years, Jean Burgess has told stories on stage as a theater director and actor. Her debut fiction, That Summer She Found Her Voice: A Retro Novel, was published in April 2024 by Apprentice House Press. Her contest-winning play, "Deleted," as well as two other short plays, is published in her book, Collaborative Stage Directing: A Guide to Creating and Managing a Positive Theatre Environment (Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2019.) She presents writing workshops, freelances as an editor, and is available as a speaker on a variety of book and writing topics. Jean holds a Masters in Theatre from Northwestern University and Ph.D. in Educational Theatre from New York University. Her professional memberships include The Authors Guild, Eastern Shore Writers' Association, and Maryland Writers' Association, for which she volunteers as a Teen Writing Club advisor.







Sample Interview:

As an introduction, give us a little information about yourself.

I am a writer of both fiction and nonfiction, a playwright, and a former actor, director, and theater educator. While I love all things theater-related and literary, I'm also a birdwatching nerd and a lover of the Chesapeake Bay and Maryland's Eastern Shore! I hold an MA in Theatre from Northwestern University and PhD from New York University.


Tell us about your writing/published book(s).

I write both fiction and nonfiction. My nonfiction, Collaborative Stage Directing: A Guide to Creating and Managing a Positive Theatre Environment, was published by Routledge/ Taylor & Francis in 2019. My debut fiction, That Summer She Found Her Voice: A Retro Novel, was published by Apprentice House Press in April 2024.


Where's your favorite place to write?

My office/library. I like to be surrounded by vision boards, character descriptions, and word lists I've created to assist and prompt me in my writing. However, when I'm stuck on a plot point, I take a pad of paper and pen outside on my lovely deck. Often the sunshine and fresh air is exactly what I need to find a new perspective.


How do you approach starting a new book?

For historical (or what I'm calling "retro") fiction, I begin by diving into research and creating a vision board. Pictures of the dress, hairstyles, furnishings, brands, and automobiles of the era work wonders as far as stimulating ideas and the all-important "what if" questions for me. Also, I do a lot of backstory work with character development and relationship building before I begin plotting out my story. And yes, I depend on an outline. I'm not a "pantser" although I allow my outline to breathe and deviate, if you will.


What's your favorite genre to read?

I love historical fiction but also dabble in mystery and suspense. For nonfiction, I enjoy biographies, autobiographies, and memoirs as well as historical books. And let's not forget my background. I read plays including Shakespeare and books about theater craft.


Have you always wanted to write?

Not really. During the late 1980s and through the 2000s, I did write and publish academic articles, as part of my teaching career, but never considered writing a book. I didn't have much faith in my writing. It wasn't until I wrote my dissertation, "A History of the Young People's Theater at Center Stage, Baltimore, Maryland: 1963-1984" in 1999-2002 that I began to have confidence in my researching abilities and the skills involve in a larger project.


What do you do when you have writer's block?

On the rare occasion that I get writer's block (a term I really dislike), I step away from the computer. A short walk will often provide the "reset" I need to start fresh. What happens more often than writer's block to me is that I'll get stuck on how I want to express an idea/a moment/a plot point. In that case, I use a short meditation, setting the intention for clarity before I begin. This may sound strange but I can't tell you how often this has worked for me. I also use my vision boards to stimulate my thought process.


Tell us about a scene that you loved but had to edit out of your book.

My current fiction, That Summer She Found Her Voice, takes place in 1978. Early drafts included an epilogue that jumped ahead 15 years with the intention of showing the reader how the protagonist had progressed. After continuing to revise and strengthen the entire book, a beta reader recommended cutting the epilogue. At first I was shocked! But after reviewing from a fresh perspective and an open mind, I realized that the epilogue was no longer needed.


Do you like reading the same books you write?

Yes but my reading interests are very broad.


Do write under a pen name? If so, tell us about how you chose it.

No pen name for me.


How do you choose your book's title(s)?

Book titles are tough. They have to hook potential readers enough to at least get them to read the back cover blurb. I choose my titles by being thoughtful about every single word.


What advice would you give to someone wanting to write their first book?

Get it down into a first draft. Expect to write more drafts. Find honest Beta readers who are not your best friends or family members. Revise. Revise again. Understand that this is a process that is not to be rushed.


Do you do research for your books? If so, what kind of research?

Yes because my novels are historically based fiction so research is required. That research may take the form of online searches, library archives, historical society visits, site visits, and/or interviews. My nonfiction, Collaborative Stage Directing, is a text that required a survey questionnaire sent to experts in the field to gather data as well as secondary source research on communication and leadership skills that I then applied to the craft of directing.


How do you fit writing into your everyday life?

I'm in the delightful life position where my time is my own. Still, for the sake of self-discipline, I need to schedule blocks of time specially devoted to writing. Do Not Disturb, Please!


How do you approach writing characters?

I believe my background as an actor, director, and playwright has helped me immensely with writing characters. When I performed professionally, I was known as a character actor – playing a wide range of roles with different accents and backgrounds. This training has been invaluable in my writing.


How do you approach "world building?"

I have a template that I have created by combining elements from several templates found online. I pulled the elements that made the most sense for my genre. Additionally, I utilize vision boards, word lists, character backstory creation, and other tools, depending on my current story. I'm a big believer in putting in what I call "the headwork."


How do you handle criticism?

I prefer to think of it as constructive feedback, since the word "criticism" has such a negative vibe. I'm open to hearing constructive feedback from other authors, publishers, and my editor, of course. My method in dealing with feedback is to reflect on it for a few days and then return to the manuscript to decide if a change is needed and what is the best way to implement it.


Describe your perfect character.

Whether reading or writing, I love a character who is quirky, slightly flawed, maybe rudderless, but trying to get it together and find a path.


Tell me about your current work.

My debut novel was retro themed and very close to my heart. It is filled with music and self-discovery and 1970s topics that resonate even today. That Summer She Found Her Voice: A Retro Novel is set against a backdrop of 1970s music and tells the story of 23-year-old Margie Stevens as she pulls herself out of a heartbreak-induced depression and begins a journey of discovery. Clarifying her views on emerging feminism, social injustice, and spirituality - all while touring across the country with King Video's Swing Band – Margie finally finds the courage to face her fears and use her authentic voice.


I am currently working on the sequel (although it can be read as a standalone) where readers will continue to follow Margie's career and personal journey. It takes place a few years later from 1981 through 1983 as she tackles New York City. She befriends a cross-section of interesting characters while exploring career options in the The Big Apple and faces some difficult life challenges along the way.


Tell me about your main character.

Margie is in a vulnerable place when readers meet her in book one, That Summer She Found Her Voice. She is bright and talented but hasn't developed her inner strength or belief in herself. At 23, she is still influenced by her parents' values, afraid to assert her own opinions or make her own decisions.


In book two, readers see a stronger Margie but she will face extremely challenging situations in an already challenging environment: New York City circa early 1980s. The question will be how a young woman from a small town on Maryland's Eastern Shore will navigate this unfamilar terrain.


Would book clubs like That Summer She Found Her Voice?

Absolutely. Themes of voicelessness, racial intolerance, and questions about religion during the late 1970s that continue to be relevant today create many areas of interest for book clubs. In fact, I've included Topics for Discussion in the back of the book and plan to make a Book Club Kit available. My hope is that this novel, as well as all my written work, becomes a catalyst for conversation.


Would you want your book made into a film?

Similar to Tom Hanks' That Thing You Do movie and even the new Daisy Jones and the Six television series, a film version of this book would give audiences a retro backstage peek at the touring world but with the addition of the coming-of-age story of a young woman. There are so many great visual elements in this book that would lend themselves to film, such as the way the band travels, the beauty of the U.S., the various band venues as well as Margie's hometown on the Maryland's Eastern Shore and the band's headquarters in Baltimore's Little Italy neighborhood. Plus, the book has an intriguing criminal subplot but...spoilers!


How many books do you own?

Hundreds. I recently donated a huge collection of theater books to a local community theater because I had to start cutting back! But I also love to support my town's indie bookstore so I continue to fill my bookshelves. It's a no-win situation!